Saturday, December 9, 2006


A non-profit agency has tested oxytocin (the substance used to start or strengthen labor) as an agent to ameliorate the effects of autism. They used intravenous oxytocin, and found results to last 2 weeks, at least. They are now using nasal technology in another trial. This does sound promising; it was a trial of adults, and the number tested was not mentioned. I noticed that pharmaceutical companies provide part of the funding for this. I wonder how expensive oxytocin is? Does anyone know anything about this naturally occurring substance and what company makes it? Or any details about the study being done today?
Today was an achievement; I got all Christmas shopping done, and now we are ready for decorating, wrapping and all I need to do is write Christmas cards (find them), straighten up the clutter and find a place for the tree that does not add to the chaotic feel of being a full-time student. Oh, God I will appreciate not being a student, even as much as I have appreciated being an online graduate student!
Lord, keep my focus on writing that book, finishing this degree, downsizing and selling this house, and mostly, nurturing my darling Rebecca. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

~Lis said...

quick comment on blogspot...
I was having problems finding this site from my computer, and it was driving me crazy, so I chatted to my daughter online and she said she was getting it, no problem, so I wound my way back to my site via blogspot and noticed that I had not SIGNED OUT. Who knew that this matters...uh, I hope the answer isn't everybody but ME...anyway if there are other bedeviled writers out there, remember to log out o_~
Blessings, ~Lis