Friday, December 15, 2006

God help me with the focus for what's required

Friday – Day 4
Having horrendous intestinal spasms due to the n-pills. This, and if I eat more than a few bites, food just creeps back up the esophagus and sits there. Then if I lay down, I have burning. I have to sit up, take ranitidine and wait after meals. Sipping hot milk seems to help. But often, sitting is uncomfortable so I must lay half down and half up (recline).

I have been able to get sleep, so I can manage. But today I woke to tremendous neck pain and scraping, wrenching sounds when I move my head. But after standing up and taking my n-pill, I am fine. This is really a wonderful blessing because often the neck pain precedes a migraine. My blood pressure is fine except systolic, which seems to run above 80 most of the time (when it should be 70 or less because of the kidney challenge.)

Funny how, narcotics work well for a few days and then they don’t much at all, but they still produce those GI problems, from gut to esophagus, the whole thing. It is frustrating. Just two days of great symptom relief before the side effects show up and the help wears off. Still, I have got a lot done in that short time. The driveway is thoroughly swept, the hedge is done, and a branch is mostly taken care of. And if I haven't got past the hot milk stage this morning, that is not such a bad breakfast, after all.

Dear God, let this day be one that I can accomplish what is absolutely necessary. Let me help the church Youth with their costuming and play tonight. They are counting on me, Lord. So help me find the ears and glue, pick up my meds on base, and find and hot glue a coat for Ryan. I am so overwhelmed with the details to be done, but I must focus only on what is absolutely required. And Lord, tomorrow let my tenacity endure through all pain of bone, migraine, scarring, or GI problem. And if I must miss church Sunday when others can take up the slack, that is fine. I will take a migraine pill if necessary 30 minutes before we leave and safely drive Miss Maeola to church and then go home and rest. Thank you God that I have only had to take a migraine pill once this week (thank you that most migraines got bad late enough that I could go to bed.)

And thank you Lord for the patience to humbly explain things to Rebecca during instruction. Thank you for her bright mind and devoted attitude. Thank you for the victory, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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